Can you imagine how strange it would be for your dentist to tell you that you might have diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes)? A study published early this week makes a strong argument that gum disease may be a warning sign for type 2 diabetes. “According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines for diagnosis, there was a significant over-representation of subjects with suspected diabetes (23% and 14%) and pre-diabetes (47% and 46%) in the severe periodontitis group and mild/moderate periodontitis groups, respectively…” (1).
This is not the first study to show this, but instead confirms even further how important oral health really is. Taking care of your teeth and mouth helps prevent other life-changing diseases, and helps doctors identify early signs of other illnesses. The recent study found that 1 in 5 people that suffered from periodontitis unknowingly had type 2 diabetes.
Periodontitis is a gum infection that attacks the tissue of the gum and eats away at the bone that support your teeth. Symptoms of periodontitis include bloody, swollen, or tender gums, bad breath, and/or loose teeth. If gone untreated, periodontitis can lead to loss of teeth and an increased danger of stroke or heart attack. Periodontitis is easily prevented by brushing at least two times a day and flossing regularly. Your family dentists in Valencia can help put you on track to prevent periodontitis. We can also help identify yellow flags within your overall health.
Of course, there are plenty of other health concerns that can be identified by looking at your oral health. We’ve previously written about how your dental health can prevent heart diseases as well as Alzheimer’s.
So when should you ask your dentist about periodontitis? Make sure to schedule your regular cleanings and if your family dentist in Valencia sees any warning signs we will let you know.
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